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The Dead and the Gone
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The Dead and The Gone
Susan Beth Pfeffer
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Orlando • Austin • New York • San Diego • London
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Copyright © 2008 by Susan Beth Pfeffer
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Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company, 6277 Sea Harbor Drive, Orlando, Florida 32887-6777.
First published in Great Britain in 2008 by Marion Lloyd Books, Scholastic Ltd., UK
First U.S. edition 2008
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Pfeffer, Susan Beth, 1948–
The dead and the gone/Susan Beth Pfeffer.
p. cm.
Summary: After a meteor hits the moon and sets off a series of horrific climate changes,
seventeen-year-old Alex Morales must take care of his sisters alone in the chaos of New York City.
[1. Survival—Fiction. 2. Natural disasters—Fiction. 3. Brothers and sisters—Fiction.
4. Puerto Ricans—New York (State)—New York—Fiction. 5. New York (N.Y.)—Fiction. 6. Science fiction.] I. Title. II. Title: Dead and the gone.
PZ7.P44855Dc 2008
[Fic]—dc22 2007029606
ISBN 978-0-15-206311-5
Text set in Spectrum
U.S. edition designed by April Ward
First U.S. edition
Printed in the United States of America
Author's note: The churches, schools, businesses, and hospitals mentioned in
the dead and the gone are all products of my imagination and not intended
to reflect any real institutions. Nor does the town of Milagro
del Mar, Puerto Rico, exist. And the last I looked, the
moon was right where it belonged.
* * *
For Janet Carlson,
Best Buzz Buddy
Cherished Friend
Chapter 1
Wednesday, May 18
At the moment when life as he had known it changed forever, Alex Morales was behind the counter at Joey's Pizza, slicing a spinach pesto pie into eight roughly equal pieces.
"I ordered an antipasto, also."
"It's right here, sir," Alex said. "And your order of garlic knots."
"Thanks," the man said. "Wait a second. Aren't you Carlos, Luis's kid?"
Alex grinned. "Carlos is my older brother," he said. "I'm Alex."
"That's right," the man said. "Look, could you tell your dad there's a problem with the plumbing in twelve B?"
"My father's away for a few days," Alex said. "He's in Puerto Rico for my grandmother's funeral. But he should be back on Saturday. I'll tell him as soon as he gets home."
"Don't worry about it," the man said. "It's waited this long. I'm sorry to hear about your grandmother."
"Thank you," Alex said.
"So where is your brother these days?" the man asked.
"He's in the Marines," Alex said. "He's stationed at Twentynine Palms, in California."
"Good for him," the man said. "Give him my regards. Greg Dunlap, apartment twelve B."
"I'll do that," Alex said. "And I'll be sure to tell my father about your plumbing."
Mr. Dunlap smiled. "You in school?" he asked.
Alex nodded. "I go to St. Vincent de Paul Academy," he said.
"Good school," Mr. Dunlap said. "Bob, my partner, went there and he says it's the best school in the city. You know where you want to go to college?"
Alex knew exactly where he wanted to go, and where he'd be happy to go, and where he would be satisfied to go. "Georgetown's my first choice," he said. "But it depends on the financial package. And if they accept me, of course."
Mr. Dunlap nodded. "I'll tell Bob Luis's kid goes to Vincent de Paul," he said. "You two can swap stories someday."
"Great," Alex said. "Your bill comes to $32.77."
Mr. Dunlap handed him two twenties. "Keep the change," he said. "Put it toward your college fund. And be sure to give Carlos my regards. Luis must be very proud of both his sons."
"Thank you," Alex said, passing the pizza, the antipasto, and the bag of garlic knots to Mr. Dunlap. "I'll remember to tell my father about the plumbing as soon as he gets back."
"No hurry," Mr. Dunlap said.
Alex knew they always said, "No hurry," when they meant "Get it done right now." But a seven-dollar tip guaranteed that Alex would tell Papi about the plumbing problems in 12B the minute he returned from Nana's funeral.
"The cable's out," Joey grumbled from the kitchen. "Yankees have the bases loaded in the top of the sixth and the cable dies on me."
"It's May," Alex said. "What difference does it make?"
"I have a bet on that game," Joey said.
Alex knew better than to point out the game was still going on even if the cable was out. Instead he turned his attention to the next customer, filling her order for two slices of pepperoni pizza and a large Coke.
He didn't get away until ten, later than he usually worked, but the pizza parlor was short staffed, and since Joey was cranky without his ball game to watch, Alex didn't think it a good idea just to leave. It was a muggy, overcast night, with the feeling of thunderstorms in the air, but as long as it wasn't raining, Alex enjoyed the walk. He concentrated on Georgetown and his chances of getting in.
Being junior class vice president would help, but he had no chance at senior class president. Chris Flynn was sure to win again. Alex had the presidency of the debate squad locked up. But would he or Chris be named editor of the school paper? Alex was weighing the odds between them when his thoughts were interrupted by a man and woman walking out of the Olde Amsterdam Tavern.
"Come on, honey," the man said. "You might as well. We could be dead by tomorrow."
Alex grinned. That sounded like something Carlos would say.
But as Alex raced across Broadway, fire engines and ambulances screamed down the avenue with no concern for traffic lights, and he began to wonder what was going on. Turning onto Eighty-eighth Street, he saw clusters of people standing in front of their apartment buildings. There was no laughter, though, no fighting. Some of the people pointed to the sky, but when Alex looked upward, all he saw was cloud cover. One well-dressed woman stood by herself weeping. Then, as Alex walked down the short flight of outdoor steps to his family's basement apartment, the electricity went out. Shaking his head, he unlocked the outside door. Once in the darkened hallway, he knocked on the apartment door.
"Alex, is that you?" Briana called.
"Yeah. Let me in," he said. "What's going on?"
Bri opened the door. "The electricity just went out," she said. "The cable went out, too."
"Alex, where's the flashlight?" Julie asked.
"Check on top of the fridge," Alex said. "I think there's one there. Where's Mami?"
"The hospital called," Briana said. "A little while ago. Mami said it's a really big emergency and they need everybody."
Julie walked into the living room, waving the flashlight around. "She's only been there two weeks and they can't manage without her," she said.
"She said they couldn't tell her when she'd get off," Briana said.
"Papi called while you were gone," Julie said. "He said everyone arrived safely and Nana's funeral is tomorrow. I wish we could have gone with him."
"I don't know why," Briana said. "Whenever the family gets together, you always find some excuse not to go."
"You'd better be nice," Julie said. "I have the flashlight."
"Use it to find the transistor radio," Alex suggested. "Maybe the whole city is blacked out." He thought, not for the first time, how much more convenient things would be if the Morales family could afford a computer. Not that it would be any use in a blackout.
"I bet it has something to do with the moon," Briana said.
"Why the moon?" Alex said. "Sunspots cause problems, but I've never heard of moonspots."
"Not moonspots," Briana said. "But the moon was supposed to get hit tonight by an asteroid or something. One of my teachers mentioned it. She was going to a meteor party in Central Park to watch."
"Yeah, I heard about that at school, too," Alex said. "But I still don't see why an asteroid would knock out the electricity. Or why Mami would be called to the hospital."
"The radio isn't working," Briana said, trying to turn it on. "Maybe the batteries are dead."
"Great," Alex said. "In that case, why don't you take the flashlight and get ready for bed. Mami'll tell us what happened when she gets home."
"It's too hot without a fan," Julie whined.
Alex didn't know how Mami and Bri put up with Julie. She was Carlos's favorite, too. Papi actually seemed to think she was cute, but that was because she was the baby of the family. A twelve-year-old baby, in Alex's opinion.
"Do you think everything is okay?" Briana asked.
"I'm sure it is," Alex said. "Probably a big fire downtown. I heard a lot of sirens."
"But Mami works in Queens," Briana said. "Why would the hospital need her there if the fire's downtown?"
"A plane crash, then," Alex said, thinking of the people pointing to the sky. "Remind me to tell Papi that twelve B has a plumbing problem, okay. And go to bed. Whatever the emergency is, it'll be gone by morning."
"All right," Briana said. "Come on, Julie. Let's pray extra hard for everybody."
"That sounds like fun," Julie grumbled, but she followed her big sister to their bedroom.
Mami kept votive candles in the kitchen, Alex remembered. He stumbled around until he found one and matches to light it. It cast only a small amount of light, but enough for him to make his way to the room he had once shared with Carlos.
Originally the two rooms had been the master bedroom, but when they'd moved in, Papi had built a dividing wall, so that the boys and the girls each got a small bedroom. He and Mami slept in their own room. Even without Carlos, the apartment was crowded, but it was home and Alex had no complaints.
He undressed quickly, opened the door slightly so he could hear Mami when she got home, blew out the candle, and climbed into the lower half of the bunk bed. Through the thin wall, he could hear Briana's Dios te salve, María. Papi thought Bri was too devout, but Mami said it's just a stage fourteen-year-old girls go through.
Somehow Alex didn't think Julie would go through that stage when she turned fourteen.
When Alex had been fourteen, three years ago, he'd thought for a couple of days about becoming a priest. But Bri was different. Alex could actually see her becoming a nun someday. Mami would love that, he knew.
Sister Briana, he thought as he turned on his side, his head facing the wall. My sister the sister. He fell asleep grinning at the thought.
Thursday, May 19
"Alex! Alex! Let me in!"
At first Alex thought he was dreaming. He hadn't slept well all night, waking up several times to see if the electricity had come back on or if Mami had returned. The hot, muggy weather hadn't helped. The dreams he'd had all had to do with sirens and crashes and emergencies he was somehow involved in but helpless to prevent.
Alex shook his head awake and looked out the window. It was still dark outside and the streetlights were out. But he could make out a man's face. It was Uncle Jimmy, crouching at the window.
Alex got out of bed. "I'll meet you at the door," he said, tossing on his robe, then making his way through the apartment to the outside door.
"The buzzer's not working," Uncle Jimmy said. "Everything's blacked out."
"What time is it?" Alex asked. "What's going on?"
"It's four-thirty," Uncle Jimmy said. "I need you to help at the bodega. Wake up your sisters and get dressed as fast as you can."
"What's happening at the bodega?" Alex asked, but he did as Jimmy told him, banging on his sisters' bedroom door until he was sure they were awake.
"I'll explain it all later," Jimmy said. "Get dressed. And hurry."
In a matter of minutes, Alex, Briana, and Julie were fully dressed and standing in the living room. "Come on," Jimmy said. "I have the van here."
"Where are we going?" Briana asked. "Is everyone all right? Is Mami home yet?"
"I don't think so," Alex said. "She couldn't have slept through this. Uncle Jimmy, how long are we going to be gone?"
"As long as it takes," Jimmy replied.
"What about school?" Briana asked. "Will we be back in time?"
"Don't worry about school," Jimmy said. "Don't worry about anything. Just come with me."
"What if Mami calls?" Briana asked. "Or Papi? They'll be scared if no one answers the phone."
Alex nodded. "Julie, come with us," he said. "Bri, you stay here in case anyone calls." He would have preferred Bri's company, but it was safer to leave her alone than Julie.
"All right," Jimmy said. "Let's get moving."
Uncle Jimmy had left his van double-parked in front of the building, but Alex supposed at that hour of the morning no one really cared. They piled in and Jimmy began driving crosstown through the park and then the twenty blocks uptown to the bodega. There was a lot more traffic than Alex would have expected so early in the morning, and he could still hear sirens in the distance.
"What's happening?" Alex asked. "Do they know what caused the blackout?"
"Yeah, they know," Jimmy said. "The moon. Something happened to the moon."
"Moonspots," Julie said, and giggled.
"Nothing funny about it," Uncle Jimmy said. "Lorraine couldn't sleep all night. She's convinced the looters will hit the bodegas at first light. Last night it was the liquor stores and the electronics stores, but in the daylight they'll start going for the food. So we're unloading the bodega, moving all the food out, back to the apartment. I need you to pack and lift."
"What about us?" Julie asked. "Do we get any of the food?"
"Yeah, sure," Uncle Jimmy said. "Where's your mother?"
"At the hospital," Alex said. "She worked all night, I guess. Papi's still in Puerto Rico. Uncle Jimmy, what's going on?"
"I'll tell you the best I know how," Uncle Jimmy said. "Some big thing hit the moon last night, a planet or a comet or something. And it knocked the moon out of whack. It's closer to Earth now. Tidal waves. Flooding, blackouts, panic. Lorraine's hysterical."
Aunt Lorraine was prone to hysteria, Alex thought. Papi's nickname for her was La Dramática, and Mami still hadn't forgiven her for the scene she'd made when Carlos announced he was enlisting in the Marines: "You'll die! They'll kill you! We'll never see you again!"
"Can't they move the moon back where it belongs?" Julie asked.
"I sure hope so," Jimmy said. "But even if they can, it'll take a while. In the meantime, Lorraine says we might as well have the food and not let strangers steal it from our babies' mouths." He pressed hard on the horn at the sight of a car cutting across Third Avenue. "Idiots," he muttered. "Rich people, pulling out at the first sign of trouble."
"I don't see any cops," Alex said.
Jimmy laughed. "They're off protecting the rich people," he said. "They don't care about nobody else."
Uncle Jimmy seemed to have a little dramatica in him as well, Alex decided. L
ife with Aunt Lorraine probably did that to a person. Their kids sure had tantrums, but they were still little and Alex could only hope they'd outgrow them. Not that Aunt Lorraine ever had.
"Good," Jimmy said. "Benny's here." He pulled his van over to the front of the bodega. "Get out," he said. "Alex, you and I'll load. Julie, you assemble cartons. How's it going, Benny?"
The large man standing in front of the bodega nodded. "It's been quiet," he said. "We should have no problems." He pulled a gun from his belt. "Just in case," he said.
"Benny gets paid first," Jimmy said. "Beer and cigarettes."
"The new currency," Benny said with a grin.
Alex began to wonder if he was still asleep. None of this seemed real, except for the reports of Aunt Lorraine's hysteria. Uncle Jimmy unlocked the steel gate. Alex and Julie followed him into the bodega while Benny stayed on guard by the door.
Jimmy handed Julie a flashlight and told her to sit on the floor behind the counter and assemble boxes. He showed Alex where the cartons of beer and cigarettes were, and as Alex carried them to Benny's car, Jimmy filled empty boxes with milk and bread and other perishables.
Benny told Alex to load his trunk first, and then the backseat. It was remarkable how many cartons of beer and cigarettes the car could hold.
Finally the only room in the car was the driver's seat. "You know how to drive?" Jimmy asked Alex.
Alex shook his head.
"Okay, I'll drive the stuff to Benny's," he said. "Benny, you stay out front. Keep that gun where people can see it. Alex, start packing cartons for my family. Tell Julie to use the plastic bags for your stuff. I'll be back in half an hour."
Benny stayed outside while Alex joined Julie in the bodega. Uncle Jimmy locked the steel gate, leaving Alex with the uncomfortable sensation of being a prisoner, even though he knew he and Julie were safer if the store was locked shut.
"Uncle Jimmy's crazy, right?" Julie asked.
"Probably," Alex said. "You know Aunt Lorraine. She's only happy when the world's coming to an end." He noticed all the cartons Julie had assembled. "You've really been working," he said.
Julie nodded. "I figured I'd better," she said. "Otherwise Aunt Lorraine will have a fit if we take any stuff for ourselves. And if we don't, Mami'll get mad."